Luc Darbonne

Senior advisor – Food and Beverages

Engineer –  Electromechanical Engineering

Luc developed the family business DAREGAL that inherited from his father. He is the pioneer of the deep frozen aromatic herbes of which he became the world leader. In 2013, he passed on the business leadership to his son Charles.

Passionate of governance, he has been President of the French branch of the Family Business Network (FBN) up to 2017.

Today Luc is Ambassador of the FBN International and he is also Vice-President of the European Family Business (EFB). Moreover, Luc is President of the Trade Union of the Ice Creams and Deep Frozen Goods, President of the European Dehydrators, Director of the Company of France Farmers, of the METI, of the ANIA, of the PROFEL, of the ADEPALE, of the CTCPA, of the AFF and of the ADePAM.

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